Strings & Patterns Learning Mode

One way to compare strings in PHP is by using the strcmp() function. This is useful since not only can you determine if two strings are equal, but you can also test if one string is 'greater than' the other (using the corresponding ASCII values in each character comparison).

What is the output of the following PHP script?

    $test1 = strcmp('hello', "hello");
    $test2 = strcmp("Hello", "hello");
    $test3 = strcmp('60', '500');

    if ($test1 == 0)     { echo "a"; }
    else if ($test1 < 0) { echo "b"; }
    else                 { echo "c"; }

    if ($test2 == 0)     { echo "d"; }
    else if ($test2 < 0) { echo "e"; }
    else                 { echo "f"; }

    if ($test3 == 0)     { echo "g"; }
    else if ($test3 < 0) { echo "h"; }
    else                 { echo "i"; }

Enter the exact script output