You allow PHP to dynamically choose whether to propagate the session identifier via cookies or the URL, depending on the user's preferences. Which of the following PHP.ini directives will you use?
Explanation: Answer option D is correct.
The session.use_trans_sid PHP directive allows a user to choose dynamically whether to propagate the session identifier via cookies or the URL, depending on the user's preferences. If you have enabled cookies, PHP will use a cookie; otherwise, it will use the URL.
Answer option A is incorrect. The session.auto_start() PHP directive indicates whether or not PHP should always enable session management, allowing you to avoid the call to session_start().
Answer option B is incorrect. The session.use_cookies directive indicates whether or not PHP will use cookies to propagate the session identifier.
Answer option C is incorrect. The session.save_path directive indicates the directory in which PHP will store session data.