OOP Learning Mode

Consider the following segment of PHP code. When it is executed, the string returned by the $eight_tenths->to_string method is 8 / 10 instead of the expected 4 / 5. Why?

class fraction {
     var $numerator;
     var $denominator;
     function __construct($n, $d) {
     function set_numerator($num) {
        $this->numerator = (int)$num;
     function set_denominator($num) {
        $this->denominator = (int)$num;
     function to_string() {
         return "{$this->numerator} / {$this->denominator}";
 function gcd($a, $b) {
    return ($b > 0) ? gcd($b, $a % $b) : $a;
 function reduce_fraction(&$fraction) {
     $gcd = gcd($fraction->numerator,$fraction->denominator); 
     $fraction->numerator /= $gcd;
     $fraction->denominator /= $gcd;
$eight_tenths = new fraction(8,10);
/* Reduce the fraction */
