You developed a big application accessed by several thousand users at the same time. Suddenly, your web server stops responding and users are getting connection errors.What could have happened?
Considering the following code, what will the output be?
<?php $a = "0.0"; $b = (int)$a; if ( (boolean)$a === (bool)$b) { echo "True"; } else { echo "False"; }
Which of the following are superglobals in PHP? (choose three)
What is the output of the following?
<?php $a = 7; $b = 4; function b($a, $b) { global $a, $b; $a += 7; $a++; $b += $a; return true; } echo $b, $a; ?>
You run the following script:
<?php function odd(){ for($i=1; $i<=50; $i=$i+2) { echo "$i"; } } echo "The last value of the variable \$i: $i"; ?>
What will be the output?
What will be the output of the following PHP code ?
<?php $x = 10; $y = 5; $z = 3; if ($x / $y / $z) print "hi"; else print "hello"; ?>
<?php $i = 10; $j = 0; if ($i || ($j = $i + 10)) { echo "true"; } echo $j; ?>
Which one of the following four logical operators of PHP is not binary?
<?php $i = 0; while ($i = 10) { print "hi"; } print "hello"; ?>
<?php $color = red; echo "$color" . red ; ?>
What will be the output of the following PHP code?
<?php $num = 1; $num1 = 2; print $num . "+". $num1; ?>
What will be the output of the following PHP script:
<?php function modifyArray (&$array) { foreach ($array as &$value) { $value = $value + 2; } $value = $value + 3; } $array = array (1, 2, 3); modifyArray($array); print_r($array); ?>
<?php $a=5 < 2; echo (gettype($a)); ?>
Which of the following are valid identifiers (Choose 3)
<?php $a = 5; $b = -7; $c =0; $d = ++$a && ++$b || ++$c; print $d; print $a; ?>
Which of the following functions returns current Unix timestamp?
What would you replace ??????? with, below, to make the string Hello, World! be displayed?
function myfunction() { /* ??????? */ echo $string; } myfunction("Hello, World!");
<?php echo 'Hello World'; <html> Hello world </html> ?>
<?php define("__LINE__", "PHP is a scripting language"); echo __LINE__; ?>
Consider the following script:
<?php echo date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 32, 1995)); ?>
What will be the output of the above script?
Consider the following PHP script:
<html> <head> <title> This is a test script. </title> </head> <body> <?php echo (int) ((0.1 + 0.7) * 10); ?> </body> </html>
What will be the output of the PHP script?
<?php $one = "one"; $two = "two"; print($one,$two); ?>
What will this script output?
<?php function A() { try { b(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception caught in " . __CLASS__; } } function B() { C(); } try { A(); } catch (Error $e) { echo "Error caught in global scope: " . $e->getMessage(); }
Which of the following PHP variable names is not a valid variable name?
<?php $a = "foo"; $$a = "bar"; $a = "Hello world"; echo ${"foo"}; ?>
What is the length of the hash generated by the crc32() crypto function?
Consider the following code:
<?php function modvalue() { $a=20; $b=4; $c=$a%$b; print($c); } modvalue(); ?>
What will be the value of the variable c?
<?php $a = "1"; $b = "0"; if ((int)$a && $b) print"hi"; else print "hello"; ?>
Which of the following expressions multiply the value of the integer variable $a by 4?
What will the code output?
<?php $a = 0; $b = $a++; $a = $a + 1; echo --$a;
What is the output of this script?
<?php $a = 3; echo $a >> 1;
Which of the following is related to APC (Alternative PHP Cache)?
What is the output of this code?
<?php define('PI', 3.14159625); define('_PI', "3.1459625"); $radius = 10; if (PI == _PI) { $area = (int)PI * $radius ** 2; echo $area; } else { echo "dhaka"; }
Which of the following is NOT a magic predefined constant?
<?php $a = 5; $b = 4; $c = ($a++ * ++$b); echo $c; ?>
You run the following PHP script:
<?php function calc() { $x=10; $b=++$x; print($b); } calc(); ?>
What will be the value of the variable b?
<?php $one = "one"; $two = "two"; print($one==$two); ?>
Which of the following type of variables are special variables that hold references to resources external to PHP (such as database connections)
Choose the appropriate function declaration for the user-defined function is_leap(). Assume that, if not otherwise defined, the is_leap function uses the year 2000 as a default value:
<?php /* Function declaration here */ { $is_leap = (!($year %4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400))); return $is_leap; } var_dump(is_leap(1987)); /* Displays false */ var_dump(is_leap()); /* Displays true */ ?>
How can a script come to a clean termination?
Which of the following data types are compound data types?
<?php class Foo { ?> <?php function bar() { print "bar"; } } ?>
which is correct?
What does the following code snippet do?
$a = `ls -l`;
<?php $i = 0 do { print "hi"; $i++; } while ($i != 3); ?>
<?php $total = "25 students"; $more = 10; $total = $total + $more; echo "$total"; ?>
Which of the following statements are true when applied to a Registry pattern? (choose two)
Which of the following is NOT a strongly typed language?
<?php echo strtotime("january 1, 1901"); ?>
What will be the output of the above PHP script if the older versions of glibc are present in the operating system?
<?php function A() { try { b(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception caught in " . __CLASS__; } } function B() { echo 5 / "five"; } try { A(); } catch (Error $e) { echo "Error caught in global scope: " . $e->getMessage(); }
Which PHP functions may be used to find out which PHP extensions are available in the system?
<?php $y = 2; if (--$y == 2 || $y xor --$y) { echo $y; } ?>
<?php $x = 1; if ($x = $x&0) print $x; else break; ?>
Function world() is defined in the namespace 'myapp\utils\hello'. Your code is in namespace 'myapp'. What is the correct way to import the hello namespace so you can use the world() function?
when PHP is running on a command line, what super-global will contain the command line arguments specified?
PHP is a _____ scripting language based on the _____ engine. It is primarily used to develop dynamic _____ content, although it can be used to generate _____ documents (among others) as well.
<?php $a = 0x6db7; print $a<<6; ?>
<?php $i = 0 while ($i != 3) { print "hi"; $i++; } ?>
What will be the output of the following code?
<?php $foo = 'Bob'; $bar = &$foo; $bar = "My name is $bar"; echo $bar; echo $foo; ?>
Which values should be assigned to the variables $a, $b and $c in order for the following script to display the string Hello, World!?
$string = "Hello, World!"; $a = ''; $b = ''; $c = ''; if ($a) { if ($b && !$c) { echo "Goodbye Cruel World!"; } else if (!$b && !$c) { echo "Nothing here"; } } else { if (!$b) { if (!$a && (!$b && $c)) { echo "Hello, World!"; } else { echo "Goodbye World!"; } } else { echo "Not quite."; } } ?>
The function gc_collect_cycles() is used to do which of the following?
What is the output of the following code?
<?php $x = 1; function print_conditional() { static $x; if($x++ == 1) echo "many"; echo "good"; echo "things"; return $x; } print_conditional(); $x++; print_conditional(); ?>
<?php $y = 2; $w = 4; $y *= $w /= $y; echo $y, $w; ?>
What would happen when the following code was run?
<?php define('Tree', 'oak'); echo 'This tree is: ' . tree; ?>
What is the difference between the include and require language constructs?
What is the output of the following PHP code?
define("FOO", 10); $array = [10 => FOO, "FOO" => 20]; echo $array[$array[FOO]] * $array["FOO"];
<?php $a = 1; $b = 1; $d = 1; print ++$a + ++$a+$a++; print $a++ + ++$b; print ++$d + $d++ + $a++; ?>
What set of value it will give?
$data = "foo:*:1023:1000::/home/foo:/bin/sh"; list($user, $pass, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $home, $shell) = explode(":", $data); echo $user; echo $pass;
<?php $a = 10; echo ++$a; echo $a++; echo $a; echo ++$a; ?>
<?php $i = 0; while (++$i && --$i) { print $i; } ?>
What does the following function do, when passed two integer values for $p and $q?
<?php function magic($p, $q) { return ($q == 0) ? $p : magic($q, $p % $q); } ?>
Which version of PHP introduced Try/catch Exception?
<?php $team = "arsenal"; switch ($team) { case "manu": echo "I love manu"; case "arsenal": echo "I love arsenal"; case "manc": echo "I love manc"; } ?>
Which of the following options shows the correct IF statement format?
<?php $a = "0"; $c = $b = empty($a); $d = ++$b + $a; echo $d;
<?php $a = 42 & 05 + 17; echo $a; ?>
<?php $x = 1; if ($x = $x&0) print $x ; else print "how are u"; ?>
<?php $y = 2; if (--$y <> ($y != $y++)) { echo $y; } ?>
What is the output of the following line of code?
<?php echo "4" + 05 + 011 + ord('a'); ?>
Which of the following type of variables are special type that only has one value: NULL?
<?php $a; for($a=1;$a<=100;$a++) { if($a==50) { continue; } print($a); } ?>
What will be the output of the program?
<?php $i = 2; while (++$i) { while ($i --> 0) print $i; } ?>
<?php echo "echo "Hello World""; ?>
<?php for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = $i;$j > $i; $i--) print $i; } ?>
<?php function add() { $x=10; $y=5; $x+=$y; } ?>
What will be the value of x and y?
Which of the following are NOt case sensitive in php? Choose all that apply.
<?php $b = 1; switch($b) { case 1.0: print "hi"; break; case 1: print "hello"; break; default: print "hi1"; } ?>
What will the output of this function be?
<?php $number = 1234.5678; echo number_format($number, 2, ',', '.') . PHP_EOL;
What will be the output if we declare "ob_start()" function in PHP?
<?php echo 10 <=> 10 << 1;
what is the output of the following script?
<?php function fibonacci ($x1, $x2) { return $x1 + $x2; } $x1 = 0; $x2 = 1; for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){ echo fibonacci ($x1, $x2). ','; } ?>
What is the value displayed when the following is executed? Assume that the code was executed using the following URL:
testscript.php?c=25 <?php function process($c, $d = 25) { global $e; $retval = $c + $d - $_GET['c'] - $e; return $retval; } $e = 10; echo process(5); ?>
<?php $one = "one"; $two = "one"; print($one == $two); ?>
<?php function myfunction($a, $b = true) { if($a && !$b) { echo "Hello, World!\n"; } } $s = array( 0 => "my", 1 => "call", 2 => '$function', 3 => ' ', 4 => "function", 5 => '$a', 6 => '$b', 7 => 'a', 8 => 'b', 9 => '' ); $a = true; $b = false; /* Group A */ $name = $s[?].$s[?].$s[?].$s[?].$s[?].$s[?]; /* Group B */ $name(${$s[?]}, ${$s[?]}); ?>
Each ? in the above script represents an integer index against the $s array. In order to display the Hello, World! string when executed, what must the missing integer indexes be?
What will the following script output?
<?php $x = 3 - 5 % 3; echo $x; ?>
How to use header() function in PHP correctly?
<?php $a = 6 - 10 % 4; echo $a; ?>
<?php const $b = 1; switch($b) { case 1: print "hi"; break; case 1: print "hello"; break; default: print "hi1"; } ?>
What will this code output?
namespace A; $closure = function() { echo __NAMESPACE__; }; namespace B; $closure = function() { echo __NAMESPACE__; }; namespace C; $closure();
Can I generate DLL files from PHP scripts like i can in Perl ?
What is the output of the following script?
<?php $a = 10; $b = 20; $c = 4; $d = 8; $e = 1.0; $f = $c + $d * 2; $g = $f % 20; $h = $b - $a + $c + 2; $i = $h << $c; $j = $i * $e; print $j; ?>
<?php $a = "hello"; if ($a.length) print $a.length; else print "hi"; ?>
<?php for ($i = 0; -5 ; $i++) { print"$i"; if ($i == 3) break; } ?>
<?php $score = 1234; $scoreboard = (array) $score; echo $scoreboard[0]; ?>
<? echo (int) "1235Jason"; ?>
<?php $i = ""; while ($i) { print "hi"; } while($i < 8) { $i++; print "hello"; } ?>
What is the output of:
<?php $a = 10; echo strlen($a) . count($a); do { echo $a . "elephpant "; $a++; } while($a <= 1); ?>
Which of the following code can be used to create case insensitive constant?
<?php $color = 'red'; echo "\$color"; ?>
<?php define("GREETING", "PHP is a scripting language"); echo $GREETING; ?>
Which of the following tags should you avoid using to include php in htML?
The PHP syntax is most similar to:
<?php for(++$i; ++$i; ++$i) { print $i; if ($i == 4) break; } ?>
<?php $a = "Hello"; $B = " world"; ECHO $a . $b;
<?php $a = "apples" <=> "bananas"; $b = $a ?? $c ?? 10; echo $b;
<?php class myObject { } define('myObject::CONSTANT', 'test'); echo myObject::CONSTANT; ?>
<?php for ($i = 0; $i % ++$i; $i++) { print"i"; } ?>
<?php $num = -123test; $newnum = abs( $num ); print $newnum; ?>
<?php $one = "one"; $two = "two"; print($one$two); ?>
Consider the following segment of code:
<?php define("STOP_AT", 1024); $result = array(); /* Missing code */ { $result[] = $idx; } print_r($result); ?>
What should go in the marked segment to produce the following array output?
Array { [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 4 [3] => 8 [4] => 16 [5] => 32 [6] => 64 [7] => 128 [8] => 256 [9] => 512 }
<?php $x = 10; $y = 20; if ($x > $y && 1||1) print "hi" ; else print "how are u"; ?>
What is the output of this scrip?
<?php define('A', 1); const B = 2; define('C', [A * A, B * B]); echo(C[1]);
What will the output of the following code be?
<?php $a = range(3,9); foreach ($a as $b) { switch($b) { case 3: $b = 7; case 7: $b = 3; default: // do nothing } } echo implode('-',$a); ?>
What is the value of $a and $b after the function call?
<?php function doSomething( &$arg ) { $return = $arg; $arg += 1; return $return; } $a = 3; $b = doSomething( $a ); ?>
Who is the father of PHP?
What does PHP stand for? i) Personal Home Page ii) Hypertext Preprocessor iii) Pretext Hypertext Processor iv) Preprocessor Home Page
Which is the right way of declaring a variable in PHP? i) $3hello ii) $_hello iii) $this iv) $This
<?php $x; if ($x == 0) print "hi" ; else print "how are u"; print "hello" ?>
<?php function b($a = 4) { $a = $a / 2; return $a; } $a = 10; b($a); echo $a; ?>
What is the output of this PHP code?
<?php echo (isset($a)) ? "A is set" : "A is not set"; echo " and "; echo (empty($b)) ? "B is not set" : "B is set";
What is displayed when the following script is executed?
<?php define(myvalue, "10"); $myarray[10] = "Dog"; $myarray[] = "Human"; $myarray['myvalue'] = "Cat"; $myarray["Dog"] = "Cat"; print "The value is: "; print $myarray[myvalue]."\n"; ?>
<?php $user = array("Ashley", "Bale", "Shrek", "Blank"); for ($x=0; $x < count($user) - 1; $x++) { if ($user[$x++] == "Shrek") continue; printf ($user[$x]); } ?>
Which of the following equivalence operations evaluates to true if the two operands are not of the same data type or do not have the same value?
What is the output of the following line of code:
<?php $a = 4 << 2 + 1; echo $a; ?>
<?php $a = 0xf2 + 0x09; $b = $a >> 3; echo $b; ?>
Which of the following is NOT a valid PHP variable name?
What will the output of this code be?
<?php $result = echo print("Hello world!"); var_dump($result);
What is the result of the following bitwise operation in PHP?
1 ^ 2
<?php $a = 1; if (echo $a) print "True"; else print "False"; ?>
<?php $i = 0; do { $i++; } while ($i < 3); print $i; ?>
Which of the following statements is/are FALSE regarding functions in PHP?
<?php $var1 = 3; print $var = ++$var; ?>
What is the result when the following PHP code involving a boolean cast is executed?
<?php var_dump( (bool) 5.8 ); ?>
What is the output of the following code snippet?
<?php $a = 20; function myfunction($b) { $a = 30; global $a, $c; return $c = ($b + $a); } print myfunction(40) + $c; ?>
<?php $x=0; $i; for($i=0;$i<5;$i++) { $x+=$i; } print($x); ?>
What will be the value of x?
Which statement will output $x on the screen?
<?php for(;;) { print "10"; } ?>
<?php $arr1 = [1,2,3]; $arr2 = array("1" => 2, 0 => "1", 2 => 3 ); $equal = $arr1 == $arr2 ? 'Equal' : 'Not Equal'; $identical = $arr1 === $arr2 ? 'Identical' : 'Not Identical'; echo "The arrays are [$equal] and [$identical]";
Which of the following is a magic constant?
<?php $a=12; $b=11; $a>$b ? print($a) : print($b); ?>
Which of the following is used to set a constant?
<?php define('FOO', 10); $array = array(10 => FOO,"FOO" => 20); print $array[$array[FOO]] * $array["FOO"]; ?>
What is the difference between print() and echo()?
<?php define('IF', 42); echo "IF: ", IF; ?>
How should we add a single line comment in our PHP code? i) /? ii) // iii) # iv) /* */
what will the following code produce?
define('CONSTANT', 1); define('_CONSTANT', 0); define('EMPTY', ''); if(!empty(EMPTY)){ if(!((boolean) _CONSTANT)){ print "One"; } } else if(constant('CONSTANT') == 1){ print "Two"; }
<?php $b = 1; $c = 4; $a = 5; $d = $b + $c == $a; print $d; ?>
<?php $a = 1; if ($a--) print "True"; if ($a++) print "False"; ?>
Which of the following is used to convert all applicable characters to HTML entities?
<?php class MyException extends Exception {} class ChildException extends MyException {} try { throw new ChildException; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Caught Exception: " . get_class($e); } catch (MyException $e) { echo "Caught MyException" . get_class($e); }
<?php $a = 1.23; $b = 4.56; $c = (int)$a + (int)$b; echo (double)$c;
<?php if (print "hi" - 1) print "hello" ?>
<?php class Constants { define('MIN_VALUE', '0.0'); define('MAX_VALUE', '1.0'); public static function getMinValue() { return self::MIN_VALUE; } public static function getMaxValue() { return self::MAX_VALUE; } } echo Constants::getMinValue(); echo Constants::getMaxValue(); ?>
<?php $color = "maroon"; $var = $color[2]; echo "$var"; ?>
Which of the below statements is equivalent to $add += $add ?
<?php $a = 2; if ($a-- - --$a - $a) print "hello"; else print "hi"; ?>
Which of the following is NOT a valid PHP comparison operator?
What will be the output of the following code snippet?
<?php $a = 1; $b = 2; $c = 0xAF; $d = $b + $c; $e = $d * $b; $f = ($d + $e) % $a; print($f + $e); ?>
<?php $i = 0; while ((--$i > ++$i) - 1) { print $i; } ?>
Which of the following is not valid PHP code?
<?php define("VAR_NAME","test"); ${VAR_NAME} = "value"; echo VAR_NAME; echo ${VAR_NAME}; ?>
Which of the below provided options is correct regarding the below code?
<?php $a = array (1, 2, 3); $b = array (1 => 2, 2 => 3, 0 => 1); $c = array ('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3); var_dump ($a == $b); var_dump ($a === $b); var_dump ($a == $c); ?>
<?php $sale = 200; $sale = $sale- + 1; echo $sale; ?>
<?php $i = 0; $j = 0; if ($i && ($j = $i + 10)) { echo "true"; } echo $j; ?>
Under what circumstance is it impossible to assign a default value to a parameter while declaring a function?
Which of the below symbols is a newline character?
Which of the conditional statements is/are supported by PHP? i) if statements ii) if-else statements iii) if-elseif statements iv) switch statements
What is the output of the following code:
<?php function a($a) { echo $a . "&"; } function b($a) { echo "-" . $a; } $a = "!"; $b = &$a; echo a(b($b)); ?>
Which language construct can best represent the following series of if conditionals?
<?php if($a == 'a') { somefunction(); } else if ($a == 'b') { anotherfunction(); } else if ($a == 'c') { dosomething(); } else { donothing(); } ?>
42 with two decimal places?
What is the order of parameters in the mail() function?
<?php echo "This","was"|"a","bad"."idea"; ?>
<?php print_r "Hello world" ?>
What is the best way to iterate through the $myarray array, assuming you want to modify the value of each element as you do?
<?php $myarray = array ("My String", "Another String", "Hi, Mom!"); ?>
which one of these variables has illegal name?
<?php $one = "Hello"; $two = "World"; echo "$one"+"$two"; ?>
In which of the following ways does the identity operator === compare two values?
<?php $y = 2; if ($y-- == ++$y) { echo $y; } ?>
<?php $a = '12345'; echo "qwe$arty"; ?>
What is the return value of echo statement in PHP?
<?php $i = 2; while (++$i) { while (--$i > 0) print $i; } ?>
<?php $on$e = 1; $tw$o = 2; $thre$e = 3; $fou$r = 4; echo "$on$e / $tw$o + $thre$e / $fou$r"; ?>
Which of the following are valid PHP variables?
<? 10 = $a; echo $a; ?>
Which of the following is a valid namespace operator in PHP?
<?php $var1 = 1 + ++5; echo $var1; ?>
Run-time inclusion of a PHP script is performed using the ____ construct, while compile-time inclusion of PHP scripts is performed using the ____ construct.
What gets printed?
<?php $RESULT = 11 + 011 + 0x11; echo "$RESULT"; ?>
<? $a = "b"; $b = 20; echo $$a; ?>
<?php if (print "0") print "hi" ; else print "how are u"; ?>
<?php $i = 0; $j = 1; $k = 2; print !(($i + $k) < ($j - $k)); ?>
<?php $x; for ($x = -3; $x < -5; ++$x) { print ++$x; } ?>
<?php for ($i = 0;$i = -1;$i = 1) { print $i; if ($i != 1) break; } ?>
<?php $auth = 1; $status = 1; if ($result = (($auth == 1) && ($status != 0))) { print "result is $result"; } ?>
<?php $a = 0b0010; $b = 0b0001; echo gettype($a & $b);
<?php for ($count = 1; $count < 20; $count++); print $count; ?>
<?php $x = 1; $y = 2; if (++$x == $y++) { echo "true ", $y, $x; } ?>
How does the identity operator === compare two values?
Which of the following operators has the highest precedence order?
<?php $a = 10; if (1) print "all"; else print "some" else print "none"; ?>
echo "Apples"<=>"bananas" ? 'foo' : 'bar';
Which of the following options is NOT as valid tag for PHP 7.1 script?
<?php $i=0; for (1; $i == 1; $i = 2) print "In for loop "; print "After loop\n"; ?>
<?php if (0.0) print "hi" ; else print "how are u"; ?>
Which of the following logical operators is an equivalence logical operator?
what is the name of the error level constant that is used to designate PHP code that will not work in future versions?
<?php $a = 1; function calculate() { global $a; $a += 7; $a = $a * 043; return --$a; } echo $a; ?>
How can we create a unique random password in PHP?
Assume that today is January 8th, 2013, 5:16:18 pm in MST time zone.
<?php echo date('l \t\h\e jS'); ?>
<?php function track() { static $count = 0; $count++; echo $count; } track(); track(); track(); ?>
$array = '0123456789ABCDEFG'; $s = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) { $s .= $array[rand(0,strlen ($array) - 1)]; } echo $s;
Fred works as a Web developer in Fastech Inc. He writes the following script:
<?php $s = 2; switch ($s) { case 1: print("Fred"); break; case 2: print("Fast"); case 3: print("Tech"); default: print("default"); } ?>
What will be displayed as output when Fred attempts to run this PHP script?
<html> <head> <title> This is a test script. </title> </head> <body> <?php echo 'This is some sample text'; ?> </body> </html>
Which of the following tags is used in the php script?
<?php $y = 2; if (**$y == 4) { echo $y; } ?>
<?php $b = 3; switch($b) { case 2: print "hello"; break; case 1: print "hi"; break; } ?>
<?php for($x = 1; $x <= 2; $x++){ for($y = 1; $y <= 3; $y++){ if ($x == $y) continue; print("x = $x y = $y"); } } ?>
What will be the output? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
<?php $i = 5; while (--$i > 0 || ++$i) { print $i; } ?>
Mark works as a Web Application Developer for Blue Solutions Inc. He writes the following code:
<?php $x =25; while($x<10) { $x--; } print ($x); ?>
What will be the output when Mark tries to compile and execute the code?
<?php $a=5; $b=12; $c=10; $d=7; $e=($a*$b)+$c*$d/$a; print($e); ?>
What will be the output of the above code?
<?php $x = 1; if ($x--) print "hi" $x--; else print "hello" ?>
<?php echo "This", "was", "a", "bad", "idea"; ?>
Which of the following are the core extensions? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
<?php $a = 12; --$a; echo $a++; ?>
Mark works as a Web Developer for Unicorn Inc. He develops an application in PHP using the following code:
<?php switch(1) { case 1: print("Book Details"); case 2: print("Book Author"); default: print("Missing Book"); } ?>
What will be the output of the script?
What is the output of the following PHP script?
$a = 1; $b = 2.5; $c = 0xFF; $d = $b + $c; $e = $d * $b; $f = ($d + $e) % $a; echo ($f + $e);
You work as a Web Developer for Remote Inc. What will be the output when you try to run the script below?
<?php $b = false; if($b = true) print("true"); else print("false"); ?>
What is the output of following code?
$a = 1; ++$a; $a *= $a; echo $a--
<?php $x; if ($x) print "hi" ; else print "how are u"; ?>
What is the difference between isset() and other is_*() functions (is_alpha(), is_number(), etc.)?
What is the value of $x in the following code snippet?
<?php $x = 123 == 0123; ?>
Which of the following options is/are correct regarding variable scopes in PHP?
<?php $x=1; echo $x-- != ++$x; ?>
Which of the following will you use to iterate a PHP associative array?
What should be the correct syntax to write a PHP code?
What is the output from this script?
<?php $a = true; $b = false; $ampBool = $a && $b; $andBool = $a and $b; var_dump($ampBool == $andBool); ?>
Which of the following gives a string containing PHP script file name in which it is called?
The ____ operator returns True if either of its operands can be evaluated as True, but not both.
<? echo (int) "Jason 1235"; ?>
<php echo 0x33, ' birds sit on ', 022, ' trees.'; ?>
<?php $var1 = 1; echo $var1 = ++$var1 % 2 + ++$var1; ?>
You have been given a code snippet as follows:
$somearray = array("hi", "this is a string", "this is a code");
You want to iterate this array and modify the value of each of its elements. Which of the following is the best possible to accomplish the task?
Which of the following statements explains the difference between print() and echo()?
<?php define('GREETING_TEST', 'PHP is a scripting language', true); echo GREETING_TESt; $changing_variable = 'test'; echo constant('GREETING_' . strtoupper($changing_variable)); ?>
<?php $x = 10; $y = 4; $z = 3; echo $x % $y % $z; ?>
How do we access the value of 'd' later?
$a = array( 'a', 3 => 'b', 1 => 'c', 'd' );
namespace A; function Hello() { echo __NAMESPACE__; } namespace B; function Hello() { echo __NAMESPACE__; } namespace C; \B\Hello();
What will be the output of the following code -
$Rent = 250; function Expenses($Other) { $Rent = 250 + $Other; return $Rent; } Expenses(50); echo $Rent;
<? $a=20%-8; echo $a; ?>
Which of the following are valid constant names? (Choose three)
<?php for ($x = 0; $x <= 10; print ++$x) { print ++$x; } ?>
<?php $i = 0; while ($i++) { print $i; } print $i; ?>